Friday, April 28, 2006



We had a teacher come to do a special session in our 'Infografia y Multimedia' class, she was great at explaining everything very well, and I ended up with an animation that looks like it was maybe made by a 7 year old! Oh well... FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

Monday, April 24, 2006


Christoph Draeger

Had another artist come and give a lecture today which I went to as part of my class. Christoph Draeger spoke English which was nice for me and his work was all about disasters, he built big models of disaster scenes and took photos of them and built giant jigsaw puzzles with thousands of pieces with pictures of disasters. The interesting thing was him talking about how is work was perceived after 9/11 when these images were saturated everywhere. Seems like he's gone off in a bit of a different direction to go make a film in Brazil...

Sunday, April 23, 2006


A Man With a Camera

I saw the Russian Film A Man With a Camera today at the Thyssen Museum. It was billed at the beginning as being experimental and it followed a sort of freeforrn documentary style. I couldn't really decide if it was just a Tour de force of Camera and Editing techniques (Which given it was made in 1929 wouldn't really be a bad thing) or a film with a real story. Certainly it had enough funny parts like crossfading the cameraman in a giant glass of beer to think that it had a good sense of humor more than just a demonstration of lots of cool techniques which were new for the time.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Concert at El Doblon

You might have read my post before about the band that plays in the student halls here, last night they played the local Discoteca El Doblon:

Thursday, April 20, 2006



Saw the Arsenal match last night, was funny to be the only person who celebrated when they scored. The second half was pretty dreary, I woke up just as the final whistle went!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006



So the other day I was at the bus stop and found out some people were going to ExpoManga. Later in the afternoon I ended up walking to the venue along with people wearing really crazy Manga constumes. Anyway, the event was rewally crazy all the Manga films, comics, videogames, toys and the rest of it. Photos: Outside the venue, Manga dolls, Nintendo Gamecube game with Bongos

Sunday, April 02, 2006



The other day I went to a talk held by the Linux society at UEM (GLUEM.) A man calledÁlvaro López Ortega who works at the university for Sun talked about the Cherokee web server which is a project he works on and how it is optimised to work as fast as possible. I understood most of it since he had lots of pretty slides and used many techno words. It was great to see a mix of people at the talk as well.

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FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). |W|P|114624835471901778|W|P|Flash|W|P|gidsgoldberg@gmail.com4/24/2006 08:41:00 PM|W|P|Gids|W|P|Had another artist come and give a lecture today which I went to as part of my class. Christoph Draeger spoke English which was nice for me and his work was all about disasters, he built big models of disaster scenes and took photos of them and built giant jigsaw puzzles with thousands of pieces with pictures of disasters. The interesting thing was him talking about how is work was perceived after 9/11 when these images were saturated everywhere. Seems like he's gone off in a bit of a different direction to go make a film in Brazil...|W|P|114591192623117143|W|P|Christoph Draeger|W|P|gidsgoldberg@gmail.com4/23/2006 04:41:00 PM|W|P|Gids|W|P|I saw the Russian Film A Man With a Camera today at the Thyssen Museum. It was billed at the beginning as being experimental and it followed a sort of freeforrn documentary style. I couldn't really decide if it was just a Tour de force of Camera and Editing techniques (Which given it was made in 1929 wouldn't really be a bad thing) or a film with a real story. Certainly it had enough funny parts like crossfading the cameraman in a giant glass of beer to think that it had a good sense of humor more than just a demonstration of lots of cool techniques which were new for the time.|W|P|114581096325133583|W|P|A Man With a Camera|W|P|gidsgoldberg@gmail.com4/22/2006 08:12:00 PM|W|P|Gids|W|P|You might have read my post before about the band that plays in the student halls here, last night they played the local Discoteca El Doblon: |W|P|114573713134482434|W|P|Concert at El Doblon|W|P|gidsgoldberg@gmail.com4/20/2006 06:56:00 PM|W|P|Gids|W|P|Saw the Arsenal match last night, was funny to be the only person who celebrated when they scored. The second half was pretty dreary, I woke up just as the final whistle went!|W|P|114555950002761452|W|P|Football|W|P|gidsgoldberg@gmail.com4/05/2006 04:53:00 PM|W|P|Gids|W|P|So the other day I was at the bus stop and found out some people were going to ExpoManga. Later in the afternoon I ended up walking to the venue along with people wearing really crazy Manga constumes. Anyway, the event was rewally crazy all the Manga films, comics, videogames, toys and the rest of it. Photos: Outside the venue, Manga dolls, Nintendo Gamecube game with Bongos|W|P|114425673506669318|W|P|ExpoManga|W|P|gidsgoldberg@gmail.com4/02/2006 04:21:00 PM|W|P|Gids|W|P|The other day I went to a talk held by the Linux society at UEM (GLUEM.) A man calledÁlvaro López Ortega who works at the university for Sun talked about the Cherokee web server which is a project he works on and how it is optimised to work as fast as possible. I understood most of it since he had lots of pretty slides and used many techno words. It was great to see a mix of people at the talk as well.|W|P|114399552208899964|W|P|Cherokee|W|P|>